Jñānābha‎, Vol. 50 (2) (2020), (265-268)



C. N. Phadte  1, M. Tamba  2 and Y. S. Valaulikar  3

1 Department of Mathematics, G.V.M’s College of Commerce & Economics,

Ponda - 403401,Goa, India

Email: dbyte09@gmail.com

2,3 Department of Mathematics, Goa University, Goa - 403206, India

Email: tamba@unigoa.ac.in; ysvgoa@gmail.com

(Received : October 23, 2020 ; Revised: October 26, 2020)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.58250/jnanabha.2020.50231



 This article deals with a pseudo Fibonacci sequence and its properties. Some well known identities are obtained in terms of the identities of generalised Fibonacci sequence. Modular properties different from those of Fibonacci sequence are reported.


2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 11B39, 11B50.

Keywords and phrases: Pseudo Fibonacci Sequence, Generalised Fibonacci sequence, modulo properties, period of the sequence.

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