2nd International Conference
2nd International Conference of Vijñāna Parishad of India(VPI)
Recent Trends of Computing in Mathematics, Statistics and Information Technologies
Special Session in Memory of Professor S.L. Singh
Fixed Point Theory and Ancient Mathematics
March 09-11 , 2018
Organized By
Department of Mathematical Sciences & Computer Applications
Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, India
Conference Report
The conference was organized during March 09-11, 2018 by Department of Mathematical Sciences and Computer Applications, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi-284128, UP, India.
The Conference was sponsored by:
DRDO, New Delhi
CSIR, New Delhi
Council by Science and Technology, Uttar Pradesh, Higher Education
Central Statistical Organization (CSO), New Delhi
The focal theme of the conference was to present Newer Areas of use of Mathematics/Statistics in Industries, Engineering, Physical, Biological, Social, Astronomical, Agricultural, Defense, Computer Applications and Information Technology through an expository manner and to develop Mathematics, Statistics and Information Technology according to need of today.
First Day (March 09, 2018)
Inaugural Function (10.00 a.m. - 11.45 a.m.)
The conference was inaugurated with Lamp Lighting and garlanding ceremony of Maa Sarswati March 09, 2018 at 10.00 a.m. by Chief Guest Dr. Rajeev Lochan, Director Jenral, Central Statistical Organization (CSO), Govt. of India, New Delhi, Chairman of Function Dr. Surendra Dubey, Vice -Chancellor Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, Professor Madhu Jain , President , VIJNANA Parishad of India (IIT, Roorkee) and by other dignitaries.
Professor V.K. Sehgal (Chair of the Conference) welcome all delegates and guests and told about the theme of the conference. Dr. R.C. Singh Chandel, the Founder Secretary of VPI, on behalf of VPI welcome all delegates and guests who came from different parts of the World and introduced VPI with its aims, activities and goals for near future. He also expressed the focal theme of the conference and welcome all delegates with the request to get full co-operation for the grand success of the conference .
Professor Madhu Jain, President , VPI, (IIT, Roorkee) gave her Presidential Address. Chief Guest Dr. Rajeev Lochan, Director General (CSO), New Delhi in his Inaugural Speech expressed the need of such interdisciplinary Conferences and expressed his good wishes for the grand success of the conference. Professor Surendra Dubey, Vice-Chancellor, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi as Chairman of the Inaugural Function expressed to provide his full co-operation and best wishes for the grand success of the conference.
In Inaugural Function following Scientists were honored by different Awards of VIJNANA PARISHAD OF INDIA:
LIFE -LONG ACHIEVEMENTS AWARD (Highest Prestigious Award of VPI)
Professor V.P. Saxena , Former Vic-Chancellor, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, M.P., India
Professor Janusz Matkowski, Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Economics, University of Zielona Gora, Poland
Professor R.B. Mishra, SUNY, Incheon, Korea, Former Vice-Chancellor, R.M. L. University, Faizabad, U.P., India
Professor D. Atchuta Rao , 104 Pratibha Apartments, Sebastion Road, Secunderabad, Telangana , India
Professor Prem Chandra, Retd. Professor, Vikram University, Ujjain, M.P., India
Professor Sunder Lal, Former Vice-Chancellor, Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, U.P., India (In absence)
Among others dignitaries following eight foreign participants also graced the occasion of Inaugural Function:
Professor J. Matkowski, Zielona Gora ,Poland
Professor R.B. Mishra, Sunny, Incheon, Korea
Prof. Afaq Ahmad, Qaboos University, Muscat , OMAN
Prof.Abdullah, Sule Lamido University, Jigawa, Nigeria
Dr.Kabiru Suleiman and Habib Abduiiahi , Sule Lamido, University, Nigeria
Dr. Admu Yusuf Jnuwa, Bayer University, Kano Nigeria
Dr. Mustapha Mohammad, Bayer University, Kano, Nigeria
Inaugural Function was concluded by Professor V.K. Sehgal ( Chair Conference) with vote of thanks to all.
11.45 am -12.00 noon (High Tea Break)
12.00- 02.00 p.m. [Technical Session: Professor J.N. Kapur Memorial Lecture, Key note Addresses]
High Tea Break was followed by " PROFESSOR J.N. KAPUR MEMORIAL LECTURE" delivered by Professor P.K. Kapur, Director Amity Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, Noida, UP on " Software Reliability and Vulnerability Discovery Modeling: An Interdisciplinary Approach"
Following three key note addresses were also given by :
1. Professor G.C. Sharma , Former Director, IBS, Khandari , Agra, UP on " Diffusion Approximation for m-out -of M Machine System"
2. Professor B.K. Sinha, ISI, Kolkata on " Oh Captain! My Captain"
3. Professor S. N. Gupta, Regional Director, UP Rajashri Tondon Open University, Regional Centre, Noida, UP on " An Optimum Strategies for Bliss of Life"
02.00-02.30 p.m. ( Lunch Break)
02.30-04.30 p.m.
After Lunch Break there were organized three parallel sessions
I. Mathematics (Venue: Gandhi Auditorium)
II. Statistics (Venue: Basement Seminar Room)
III Information Technology (Venue: Smart Class , Department of Mathematical Sciences and Computer Applications)
I. Mathematics(Three invited Talks)
Professor D.S. Hoods, Former Dean (R), JUET, Guna " Source Coading and Data Compression"
Professor S.N. Gupta, Regional Director, UPRT Open University, Regional Centre, Noida" Mathematical Modeling of Human Body Fluids and Heat Regulations"
Professor A.P. Singh, Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh " Escaping Sets of Transcendental Entire Functions"
II. Statistics (Three Invited Talks)
Professor Sheela Mishra, Head, Statistics Department , Lucknow University, Lucknow " Real Challenges in Statistics Attitudial and Behavioral Analysis"
Professor Prabha Rohtagi, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur " Operation Research Techniques for Rural Development in India Pure Vision 2020"
Dr. Jeetendra Kumar, Central University, Rajasthan, " Approach of Modelling the Recent time Data: Big data Time series"
III. Information Technology( Three Invited Talks)
Dr. Rajitha B, MNNIT, Allahabad, "Image Classification and Retrieval Using SURF
Professor Sunil Kumar Khattri, Director, AIIT, Amity University, Noida , " Modeling Reliability Growth Using ANN Approach"
Dr. Madhu Kumari, NIT. Hamirpur, HP
4.00- 4.15 p.m. TEA BREAK
4.15- 6.00 p.m. Paper Presentation Sessions #3
Papers Presented:
Mathematics = 13
Statistics = 10
Information Technology = 10
Day- 2 , March 10, 2018
MATHEMATICS (Gandhi Auditorium)
Technical Session: Symposium on Fixed Point Theory/ Ancient Mathematics (Dedicated to Memory of Professor S.L. Singh) 9.00-11.00 a.m. (Invited Talks)
Dr. R.C. Singh Chandel, Secretary, VIP , "Professor S.L. Singh : A Man and Mathematician , His Contribution to VPI"
Dr. Omkar Lal, Govt. Kamladevi Rathi Girls , PG College, Rajnandgaon, CG , " Cryptography from Vedas to Modern Time"
Professor Janusz Matkowski , University of Zielona Gura, Poland, " Paranormed Generalization of Lp- Space"
Professor M.C. Joshi, Kumaun University, Nainital " Professor S.L. Singh : Profile and Contributions"
Professor U.C. Gairola, HNB Garhwal University, Pauri Campus, "Some Extension of Matkowski Contraction"
11.00- 01.15 a.m.: TEA BREAK
11.15- 01.15 p.m.: Paper Reading Session: Papers presented = 17
01.15- 02.00 p.m.: LUNCH BREAK
02.00- 04.00 p.m.: TECHNICAL SESSION: Invited Talks
Professor H.S. Shukla, Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, " Point Transformation Preserving Distance in Finsler Space"
Professor S.N. Pandey, Former MMMR Engineering College, Gorakhpur, Forum Vacuum to Friedmann Universe"
Professor M.K. Gupta, Meerut University, Meerut, "C-a Compactness Modulo an Ideal"
Professor R.B. Mishra, Former V.C. Avadh University, Faizabad " Metrics on Curved Surfaces"
04.00 - 04.15 p.m.: TEA BREAK
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ( Venue : Smart Class , Department of Mathematics)
09.00-11.00 a.m. Papers Reading Session: Papers Presented = 05
11.00- 11.15 a.m.: TEA BREAK
11.15- 02.15 p.m. (Technical Talk Session)
Dr. Dushyant Singh Chauhan, MNNIT, Allahabad, "Computer and Machine Vision"
Professor B. Umesh Kumar Chopra, Dy Director, AMIT University, Lucknow, "Cloud and Big Data Analysis"
Professor S.K. Upadhyay, BHU, Varanasi, " Bayesian Modeling and New Related aspects"
01.15- 02.00 LUNCH BREAK
STATISTICS (Venue: Conference Room, Near V.C. Office)
09.00- 11.00 a.m.: Paper Reading Session : Paper presented = 11
11.00- 11.15 a.m.: TEA BREAK
11.15- 01.15 p.m.: Technical Talk Session
Professor Vijay Kumar, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, " Decision Making Through Stochastic Modelling"
Professor Sharad D.Gore, Retd. Professor of Statistics, " Recent Trends in Analysis"
Professor Pulakesh Maiti, " INteractive Linear Modelsin Context of Two Stage - Sampling"
Professor P.C. Jha, Head Department of OR, Delhi University, Delhi, " Models for Promotions Planning under Influence of Mass of Segment Media"
01.15-02.00 p.m.: LUNCH BREAK
02.00-04.00 p.m.: Technical Talk Session
Professor R. K. Agnihotri, Head Department of Mathematics, St. John's College, Agra, " Reliability Analysis of Redundant System with Guarantee and Warranty Period"
Professor Bhupendra Singh , C.C.S. University, Meerut, "On Dynamic System Model With Discrete Failure Time Distribution"
Professor Rakesh Gupta, C. C. S. University, Meerut, On Performance Measure and Analysis of a Two-Unit Warm sand by System with Geometric Failure and Repair Time Distribution"
04.00- 04.15 p.m.: TEA BREAK
04.15- 06.00 p.m.: Technical Session for Best Paper Presentation Young Scientists Award (Venue: Gandhi Auditorium , Basement(Seminar Room)
Professor G.C. Sharma,
Professor R.B. Mishra,
Professor S. Agrawal
Professor Shard K. Gore
Number of Participants:
Pure Mathematics = 05
Applied Mathematics = 12
Interdisciplinary Mathematics = 07
06.30-09.00 p.m.: Cultural Evening
09.00-10.00 p.m.: Vice Chancellor Dinner at BUIC
Day 3: March 11, 2018
MATHEMATICS (Gandhi Auditorium)
09.00-11.00 a.m.: (Technical Session: Invited Talks)
Professor S.C. Agrawal, Shobit University, Meerut, "Hydrodynamic Stability, Transition and Applications
Professor Renu Jain, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, MP , topic " From Zero to Infinity"
Dr. Hemant Kumar, D.A-V. College, Kanpur, UP, " Three Dimensional Legendre Strum Liouville Diffusion and cWave Problem Generated due to Fractional Time Derivative"
Professor Shiv Datt Kumar , MMMIT, Allahabad , Topic "Computations of Jordan and Rational Canonical Forms and Their Applications"
11.00-11.15 a.m.: TEA BREAK
Dr. Manoj Sharma, RJIT, BSF Academy Tekanpur, Gwalior, M.P. , Topic "Special Functions of Factorial Calculus and its Applications"
01.15-02.00 p.m.: LUNCH
02.00-04-.00 p.m.: Papers Presentation Session) - Papers Presented = 15
STATISTICS (Conference Room)
09.00-11.00 a.m. (Paper Presentation Session) - Papers presented = 06
11.00- 11.15 a.m. TEA BREAK
11.15- 01.30 a.m. (Technical Session: Invited Talks)
Professor S. Biswas, AIAS, Amity University, Noida
Dr. C.K. Vishwaksrma, Topic " Bayesian State- Space Modeling in Gena Expansion Data Analysis: Application with Bio-marker Prediction"
Dr. Aditya Chakraborty, Topic " Interim Analysis in Critical trials - Issues and Methods"
Professor Ramji Tiwari, Topic "Status of Estimators without Moments in Simultaneous Equations
01.30- 02.00 p.m. LUNCH BREAK
02.00- 04.00 p.m.: ( Paper Presentation Session) Papers Presented = 12
Valedictory Function was held at Gandhi Auditorium on March 11,2018 at 4.00 p.m. and it was graced by Chief Guest Professor P.K. Kapur , Director , Amity University and Ex Dean and Head Department of Operation Research, University of Delhi.
Professor S.N. Pandey , Former Professor and Head Applied Sciences, MMMR Engineering College, Gorakhpur and Professor S.C. Agrawal ,Ex Professor CCU Meerut were Guests of Honour.
Professor S Biswas, Retd. Senior Professor of Statistics , University of Delhi was honored by "DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD" of VPI for his outstanding Contribution and Distinguished Services rendered to his subject and/or to Nation.
Following participants won First Prize and " Young Scientist Award" for Best Paper Presentation with cash Prize of Rs.1000.00 each and honored in Valedictory Function
Pure Mathematics: Sachin B. Ballal, Department of Mathematics, Savitrivai Phule Pune University, Pune
Applied Mathematics: Parmeet Kumar Vinit, Department of Statistics, Delhi University, Delhi
Interdisciplinary: Vishal Deo, Department of Statistics,
Professor S.K. Khattri gave overall view of the conference and Professor V.K. Sehgal presented the brief Report of the conference. Professor G.C. Sharma and Professor Ramji Tiwari expressed their views and praised for the grand success of the 2nd International Conference of VPI. In the last , Dr. R. C. Singh Chandel, Secretary of VPI gave vote of thanks with the hope that all participants will spray the perfume of the conference in all parts of the World and popularize VIJNANA PARISHAD OF INDIA. Professor S.C. Agrawal, Vice President of VPI declared the closing of the function .
Conference Photos:
Contact Info
Prof.V.K Sehgal
Head,Department of Mathematical Sciences & Computer Applcations
Bundelkhand University Jhansi-284128 (U.P.) India
Mob.: +91-9415947525
Phone: 0510-2320496, 2320307, 2321158
Fax: 0510-2320761
E-mail:headvks@gmail.com, icrtcmsit2018@gmail.com
For Transport and accommodation:
Dr. Sachin Upadhyay : +91-9452736650
Dr. Shailendra Kumar : +91-9838735525
For General information:
Dr. Mamta Singh :+91-945004 1011
Dr. Poonam Mehrotra : +91-7376102318
Dr. Dharmendra Badal :+91-9935243400
Dr. Dharmendra Kanchan : +91-9559029129
Other Information
The information regarding boarding and lodging, transport, sightseeing, hotels, places to visit, electronic payment of registration fees etc will be provided on the website www.bujhansi.ac.in/icvpi.
Chief Patron
Prof. Surendra Dubey,
Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor,Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
Conference Chair
Prof. V.K. Sehgal
Head, Department of Mathematical Sciences & Computer Applications,
Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
Core Committee
Prof. S.P. Singh, Director (Academics), Registrar, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
Shri Dharampal, Finance Officer, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
Principal Academic Advisor
Prof. P.K. Kapur, Director, Interdiscipline Research, Amity Univ., Noida
Dr. R.C. Singh Chandel, Secretary VPI
Technical Chair
Prof. Madhu Jain, President VPI,Roorkee.
Prof. Sunil Kumar Khatri, Director, AIIT, Amity University UP, Noida
International Advisory Committee
Program Committee
Prof. D.N. Goswami, Jiwaji Univ. Gwalior
Prof. Prashant Johri, Galgotias Univ., Gr. Noida
Dr. Shubranil Som, Amity Univ., Noida
Dr. Ajay Vikram Singh, MEC, Oman
Prof. Masoud Mohammadian, Univ. of Canberra, Australia,
Dr. Mayank Sharma, Amity Univ., Noida
Prof. Rachna Jain, Amity Univ., Noida
Dr. Afaq Ahmad, Sultan Qaboos Univ, Oman
Prof Mansi Sharma, IIT Delhi
Prof. Sainik Kumar Mahata, Jadavpur Univ.
Prof. Rinku Supakar, West Bengal
Dr. Vikas Rao Vadi, GGSIPU, Delhi
Prof. Avali Banerjee, GNIT, Kolkata
Local Advisory Committee
Organizing Secretaries
Local Organizing Committee
About the Bundelkhand University
This seat of higher learning came into existence on August 26, 1975, vide Government of Uttar Pradesh Notification No. 10/15-60/74 under the provision of the U.P. Universities Act. However, though belonging to the younger generation of the Indian Universities, the Bundelkhand University has fast transformed into a University of excellence offering opportunities to the aspiring youths to pursue higher education, applied research and Professional training according to their aptitude and potential.
About the Department
Keeping the mission in mind, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, established in 1986 and later on renamed as Department of Mathematical Sciences and Computer Applications in 1996, is one of the oldest departments of the University. It is heartening to note that within a small span of time the department has shown its potentiality and has diversified its teaching and research programs in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Applications. The department has made considerable progress by responding to the emerging needs of the society, by widening the canvas of higher education and by affecting qualitative improvements in its academic and research programs.
Jhansi is one of the beautiful cities in Uttar Pradesh. The city is synonymous with the name of Rani Jhansi. The history of Jhansi attracts tourists from all over the world. One of the best administrators of Jhansi was Raja (King) Gangadhar Rao. In 1842 Raja Gangadhar Rao married Mannikarnika. After her marriage she was renamed as” Lakshami Bai”. And became Jhansi ki Rani (Queen of JHANSI) who led her forces against the British during the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857. She sacrificed her life during this first struggle of Indian Independence in 1858.
Jhansi is well approachable through trains from everywhere in india. During Conference, Jhansi will be neither hot nor cold that is atmosphere will be quite pleasant.